Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Day 5 - Some Questions Answered

I had a couple of questions asked after my post last night and I thought that it would be a great idea to post and give the answers to them here as it gives me something to write about besides what I ate today, posting a log of my BG, bragging about what a manimal I am for working out and doing the best spin class ever at 5:45am this morning.

Work interfered a little bit today thought (while we are on the subject of how awsome I am for working out all the time) so I didn't get to run at lunch (read, the spin class this morning left me whimpering like a little girl and I was to tired to run so instead I sat in the break room and ate possibly the best salad ever, that my loving wife prepared with me)

So on to the interesting stuff the questions.

So we are going to go in reverse order in our answers tonight.

The first question was called in on my special type 1 shoe phone by my new friend Erin. Erin is the midwest captain for insulindependance club captain and works to encourage T1 individuals to pursue active healthy lifestyles and Erin asks, "I'm intrigued by the term "clean food". Where can I learn more?" The way I heard about it was in an article online that I talked about on the first day, but initially I downloaded the book Clean by Alejandro Junger, M.D. to my Iphone (I wouldn't recomend this particular book for that) then I chased around Indianapolis and the surrounding area so that I could actually have a useable copy. I would say that this is a great way to learn what it really is about instead of reading my inept ramblings about my experience so far. Also you can go to http://www.cleanprogram.com/ if you need instant gratification. Now I will take this opportunity to warn you that Dr Junger does not recomend Type 1 diabetics doing this. I can only guess this is because of the things that I have experienced so far with some of my lowest insulin usage in years, I know that you have a pump Erin, but I will warn you that if you do the cleanse as I am, you need to be prepared to do a lot of monitoring of your BG (I am checking 10 times or more a day right now) and expect to drop your basal. I have not been bolusing for my carbs because I have been using less than my basal until today when I dropped my rate to 50% for the whole day today and bolused 50% for my carbs. This is definitely not something that a type 1 who does not have a pump should think about, the cleanse. Clean eating on the other hand is an excellant idea for diabetics of all persuations in my estimation. DISCLAIMER since the good Dr Junger does not recomend the cleanse for type 1 diabetics, I do not either.

This second question was called in by my nephew's finance, soon to be my niece in law, Karsyn on my alien hotline, and Karsyn asks, and I quote, "How's the ninja?" In a word the ninja is great and so is my new Professional Grade Ninja NJ600 blender is great too! If you ever want to do professional blending some day, this is the power tool for you.
The Ninja® Professional Blender is a professional, high-powered innovative tool with a sleek design and bone crushing performance, a true asset to any kitchen. It is perfect for ice crushing, blending, pureeing, controlled processing and disposal of unwanted bodies.
This little baby has 1000 Watts of power, a gianormous 72 oz. Pitcher and Lid (yes it comes with a lid) the destructive mechanism of this beast is a rotating razor sharp multi Blade agitator that must be made of Samuri sword steel that can likely turn large rocks into sand in seconds.

In a word, I love it, ok 3 words. BPA-free construction, this blender is non-toxic on some level.

Karsyn says she wants my nephew Steve to buy her one for Christmas, so much for the perfect wedding gift.

One of my goals with this cleanse besides getting all of the toxins out of my body is to drop off a little baby fat. As I mentioned earlier, my bathroom scale somehow got lost, but I did find a scale at LA fitness, so until my new Ninja scale arrives I will use those results. On Sunday I weighed 175 at 9am in the morning after my spin. This morning I weighed 174 at 6:45am. My ultimate goal is 160. For those of you who don't believe that I have that much to give up, I have weighed as little as 150lbs as an adult, albeit a 20 year younger adult, but an adult non the less.

One final note, I am not doing this cleanse because I have to, but because I want to. I am not concerned about living longer as I really believe that everyone of us has a predefined amount of days that we will live. What I am concerned about is keeping the life in my life. That's why I ride and do a lot of the things that seem crazy to others. I enjoy life and each day is a new adventure and I am happy that I am able to share this one as it happens with many of you!

Ok so 5 days and I am really getting the hang of this with managing my insulin delivery, eating and exercise in a more practical way stay tuned as the situation develops.



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