A week ago Saturday, I started to wean myself off of coffee. I have been a hard core coffee drinker for years and I was not relishing the thought of giving up the wonderful taste of my favorite morning beverage, let alone going through the headaches that were almost certainly going to be apart of this withdrawel, but I had a plan.
On Saturday, I started cutting my coffee with half water. On Monday, I switched to green tea, which has 70% less caffiene. By Wednesday, I was down to a single cup and on Thursday, I was free of caffiene! I have to tell you that it feels great!
The idea is to eliminate toxins from my system, or rather eat in such a way that my body has a chance to catch up to it's apparent toxin overload. Caffiene was just the start, I am currently in the pre-cleanse portion of a cleanse, or what I will henceforth refer to as the elimination period, because I am gradually elimenating elements from my diet, so that my cleanse will be less intrusive on my busy life. Same idea as gradually quiting coffee.
It all started when I read an online article in Outside Magazine onlineabout this guy who decided to do this 21 day cleanse and I read the book "Clean" by Alejandro Junger. The idea is to get your body into a situation where it can detoxify like it was mean't to.
So now I am at the end of day 11 of the elimination period (a little longer than the book recomended but this is what is working with my schedule). In the last 11 days, I have mostly eliminated Dairy (had to consume a few things so that they did not go to waste) eliminated all flesh food (meat) with one minor exception at my family dinner, I had a half slice of ham, one piece of bread (at the same family dinner) plus I have successfully instituted a 12 hour fasting period every evening.
The results so far is a slight loss of weight (no idea how much since our scale has misteriously disappeared) A persistent pain in my foot has gone away. I am running easier than ever and I have a tone of energy, waking refreshed every morning. Also my insulin use has gone down by about 20% per day and my ability to hit my target blood sugar has gone up from 60% to 85%.
So this weekend, I will start the real cleanse and we will see what supprises are in store...... Think I need to order a new scale
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